Listening to Understand: I want to Sleep

Let’s see, it’s 4 am and you are wide awake. You’ve been trying all night to get a good night’s rest and it just isn’t happening. By now, you’re frustrated, annoyed and amongst all else, just plain tired. It’s like you’ve done everything in you power to go to sleep. You start to think something…

Entering 2019

Reflecting back on the most memorable moments of 2018

Tuesday Morning Inspiration

Good morning beautiful people. I hope all is well with you on this fine Tuesday. The second day of the work week. I’m sure some of you are asking how can a person be so chipper so early in the morning. Well, it’s simple. Being grateful for the small things is enough to wake up…

Alzheimer’s: The Unforeseen Killer

So, recently I just lost my grandfather due to Alzheimer’s disease. I must tell you it was and still is one of the most devastating losses I’ve had to endure. My grandparents have been a vital part of my life, and let me tell you, the experience was not an easy one. I can tell…

Generosity: The Modern Day Curse Word

You’re driving down the street listening to the latest hip hop CD by your favorite artist. You so happen to get stuck in a minor traffic jam or get stopped by a red light. Usually these are the times we take a moment to observe our surroundings. You notice the Dollar General store is advertising…

Feet, The Forgotten Part

People often refer to them as “Moe and Joe”, or “Left and Right”, whatever you choose to call them, your feet are a vital part of your body. We are so obsessed with taking care of all other parts of the body, that no one ever talks about foot care. Science has proven that the…

Bye Bye to Dry Hair

I know everyone has been hearing that this product or that product makes your hair shiny and luxurious right? You’ve probably tried all of them. You’ve followed all the instructions, only to end up with no results and moving on to the next product. Well, I’m here to tell you that your search for that…

Hidden Figures

A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with bricks other have thrown at her –Author Unknown As we approach the month of February, I had this brilliant idea to do a thread on infamous black women who made a difference throughout history and in the local community. As  the years go…

Sunday Funday

Here are a few quotes to get you laughing:        

Unsuccessfully Successful

via Daily Prompt: Successful When most people think of success, they think of wealth. When I think of success, I think of accomplishments. I think of finishing what I started. Whether it’s a short term goal or a long term goal. As long as it gets completed, it’s successful. No matter how long it takes, just…

Do Unto Others

This morning as I was getting me and my daughter dressed, I overheard a story on the news this morning about four kids who kidnapped, tortured, and beat up a mentally disabled man. When I first heard about the story, I quickly rushed to the shower. The news was showing clips of the video that…

Does Money Really Make You Wealthy

We’ve all heard about how cruel celebrities can be towards people who are less of than them. We’ve heard about how they treat people, how high they put themselves up on a pedestal. We’ve even witnessed these upsetting scenes live. With so much technology in the world, you’d think they’d take better precautions to portray…